

Roadmap presented below is only for informational purposes, to show development directions of Another Charts and can be changed at any time.


Status Task
DONE Separation of GUI and model threads (should speed up the software even on single-core CPUs)
DONE Secant curve as graphical tool
DONE Inversed trigonometric curves as graphical tools
DONE Data Source plugin:
DONE Data Source plugin: Dukascopy
DONE Ability to select the type of canal (linear, sinusoidal, tangentoidal) in graphical tool Canal
DONE New DataBackend implementation with binary file store
DONE Data Source plugin: ePromak
DONE Time axis without non-transactional time thanks to Transactional Axis Geometry
DONE Remembering of the opened charts at the program exit
DONE Data Source plugin which loads data from CSV files
DONE Ability to add multiple instances of each DataSource type


  • indicators


  • Level II and III
  • automated trading systems